"Nyawa! Look! The vision for Empowered Communities in the NPY region is for Anangu to lead healthy and meaningful lives in safe and positive communities where people have improved life choices, while maintaining culture and language."
Anangu-led decision-making and community empowerment
Education, culture and youth support
Work, meaningful engagement and financial security
Housing and infrastructure
Keeping safe
Learn more about what we are doing on these issues here:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images & voices of people who have passed away. If you have any concerns about any of the images or information on our website, please contact us.
We acknowledge the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara people as traditional owners and custodians of the NPY Lands and pay our respects to past, present and emerging leaders. |